Paragraph: Load Shedding
We are all quite familiar with the term 'load-shedding'. Load shedding means the suspension of the supply of electricity for the time being. It happens when the supply of electricity is insufficient. It has now become almost a part and parcel of our daily life. It causes a lot of sufferings to both individual and national life. Mills and factories come to a standstill (বন্ধ হয়ে যায়). Domestic life becomes very painful. House-wives grope (হাতড়ানো) up in the darkness. The sufferings of the patients in the hospitals or clinics and the students beggar description. The students have to sit idle in the dark closing their books. The foods kept in the refrigerators (রিফ্রিজারেটরস্) turn rotten. The commodities preserved in the cold storages (হিমাগার) get spoiled. The roads and streets are wrapped with darkness. Thieves and pick-pockets roam about freely and do their mischief at ease. These sorts of examples of sufferings due to load shedding can be multiplied (বহু বহু). The solution of the problem is the crying need of the day. The sooner the problem is solved, the better for both individual and national life.